Glorious Guiyang

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Guiyang has big ambitions for data and crowd funding|Updated: November 9, 2015

The city of Guiyang, Guizhou province is making a great effort to build itself into China's "big data valley" and "crowd-funding capital", which it considers very important, its Party secretary said on Nov 5, at a meeting where he summarized the achievements of the World Crowd-funding Conference in the city, this past Oct 23 - 26.

Chen Gang explained that the conference attracted over 1,500 project proposals and 500 crowd-funding sites from across the nation and had 37 forums on technology, agriculture, finance, and the health care industry, and business negotiations, with more than 10,000 people taking part.

Chen said that there are good prospects for crowd funding and financial development thanks to the Internet but that the administration needs more efficient supervision and ways to enforce the law in financing, and that future conferences will let the principal of "government guidance with market orientation" play a crucial role in drawing up plans.

In commenting on the developments, the mayor of Guiyang, Liu Wenxin, remarked that Guiyang is a pilot city that is gaining experience for developing the crowd-funding industry, based on its own ecology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and that the government will come up with policies to encourage and support innovation and business setup for more achievements.