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Why Guiyang

The city of Guiyang, capital of Guizhou province, enjoys a unique geographic location in the middle of Guizhou province, neighboring Yunnan province to the west, Sichuan province to the north, the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region to the south and Hunan province to the east.

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Nation advances policy mix in efforts to attract FDI

China will continue working toward the swift implementation and effectiveness of the policy package aimed at enhancing the investment climate for foreign businesses and attracting more foreign investment, the Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday.

Guidelines unveiled to draw more foreign investment

China has issued 24 new guidelines to attract more global capital and further optimize the country's business environment for multinational corporations.

Guizhou inks contracts worth over 320b yuan

The 2024 China Industrial Transfer & Development Matchmaking Activities kicked off in Guiyang, capital of Southwest China’s Guizhou province, on April 21. It is the first national-level industrial matchmaking event ever to be held in Guizhou.

New industrial park breaks ground in Guiyang

The Donghui Precision Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park recently broke ground in Guiyang National High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Guiyang HIDZ), Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province.

Guiyang included in national pilot program to advance SME digital transformation

Guiyang has been selected as a pilot city for the 2024 National SME Digital Transformation initiative.

Guizhou holds large job fair with over 8,000 graduates participating

The 2024 Special Job Fair for Guizhou State-owned Enterprises was held in Guizhou Minzu University on June 28 in an effort to make matchmaking between enterprises and college and university graduates more precise.