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Guiyang records GDP of 515b yuan in 2023

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: January 26, 2024

Guiyang, capital city of Southwest China's Guizhou province, achieved a gross domestic product (GDP) of 515.48 billion yuan ($71.83 billion) in 2023, marking a 6 percent year-on-year increase.

Breaking down the industries, the added value of the city's primary industry reached 20.75 billion yuan, showing a 4-percent increase. The secondary industry's added value reached 180.53 billion yuan, reflecting a 5.8-percent growth. Meanwhile, the added value of the tertiary industry amounted to 314.2 billion yuan, demonstrating a 6.2-percent growth.

This data showcases the continued economic growth and diversification within Guiyang, highlighting the city's efforts in developing across various sectors. This growth not only signifies the city's economic resilience, but also its ability to adapt to changing market demands and embrace new opportunities.

With this steady expansion, Guiyang is positioned to further enhance its role as a key economic hub within the region. It will continue attracting investment, fostering innovation, and ultimately contributing to the overall development and prosperity of Guizhou province.